An emergency shelter is a place for people to live temporarily when they cannot live in their previous residence, similar to homeless shelters. Emergency shelters typically specialize in people fleeing a specific type of situation, such as natural or man-made disasters, domestic violence, or victims of sexual abuse. Emergency shelters sometimes facilitate support groups and may provide meals.
Women's Shelters Emergency Shelters Overnight Shelters Domestic Violence Youth Shelters Counseling Meals Clothing Employment Education
Founded in 1982, ELEM/Youth in Distress in Israel is the country’s leading nonprofit organization...
Domestic Violence Women's Shelters Clothing Meals Counseling Childcare Physical Health Legal Assistance Emergency Shelters
Woman to Woman, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the victims of domestic violence i...
Emunah, amongst Israel’s leading social action organizations, was founded over 80 years ago to de...