
116 Sanhedria Hamurchevet, Jerusalem, 91181
5 Uriel Street Jerusalem Jerusalem District IL

Founded in 1981, Sulam, a non-profit organization, provides educational and therapeutic services by a certified professional staff and committed volunteers to over 530 Jewish students aged 6 months to 17 yrs with a range of challenges including intellectual and learning disabilities, motor dysfunction, emotional and developmental delays, Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD), and Down Syndrome. Sulam Israel’s important work takes place in it’s various Daycare Centers, Preschools, Communication Centers, and Day Schools across Israel.

Sulam’s mission is to enable students to achieve their maximum functioning potential, the ultimate goal being successful integration into society. Sulam believes that every person has a place in society and children with disabilities have their contribution to make. Sulam’s goal is to see that every student is given the tools to achieve this aim, each according to his/her ability.